Thursday, March 23, 2017

Lucky Lab / Hawthorne


I consider Lucky Lab a gateway to Asylum District, named for the mental hospital Dr. Hawthorne helped establish here, under contract from Salem, before the bigger one was built, a star in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest.  The actors actually checked in and mixed with the patients, to get it right. That building is gone now too, is my understanding.  However those seeking asylum still remain.

I was back to working with Iranian polytechnic academies on Facebook again. We go from tiling (of a plane) to space-filling (of volume) and best Harvard (except for Dr. Loeb) in going with the A & B modules, with lots of links to the relevant literature (Aristotle etc.).  Iranians appreciate American Transcendentalism by and large. They're reminded of Sufis and not all Sufis are terrorists, despite Turkish PR these days.

Closer to home, I've been finishing up Winter Term with the Catholic flagship archdiocese school in Lake Oswego, and Bridgeport Elementary, more likely to have families needing Food Bank assistance.

I'm closer to Bridgeport in my socio-economic status, having assiduously avoided the outward weapons trade. As a Quaker, I'd have to shoot myself before buying shares in Lockheed, or put another way, owning any shares in Lockheed would be political suicide for an authentic Quaker like me. Or in Raytheon. Or in Halliburton. We have our standards, our code of conduct.

I've steered clear of Alphabet and Apple too (in terms of shareholding, not products or services), as not transparent enough about their back room dealings. I want nothing to do with Beltway Bandits, the scourge of Planet Earth, even if that means eating out of a dumpster (Food Not Bombs rarely resorts to that around here, and if it does, it's with good cause).

Although my Codesters applications cover prime numbers and closest packing of spheres, those are maybe not 2nd to 5th grade topics in these parts. I was more previewing what we're learning in Russia and Iran.  MIT Scratch is a brilliant platform.  Codesters, a partial implementation of Python 3, is more austere, and a bridge to life on Cloud9 ( in our curriculum.  That's when the JavaScript comes in, using Codepen.

I had a diagram on the whiteboard in both schools for the parents / guardians, explaining the progression.  Kids were feeling somewhat guilty playing games, but I encouraged it, as what better way to harvest ideas and develop motor skills than by game-playing.  The two diving boards, low and high, give them opportunities to risk their egos, and make a splash.  Some of them did that today, with parents watching.

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