Monday, April 20, 2009

Waning Moon

Harmonic Convergence
:: moon kitty with sarah angel ::

April 18: Moon Kitty may have suffered a spinal embolism, paralyzing her rear legs. I quit the scene, Matt's 51st birthday celebration, to return to a tearful Tara. She's a pretty old cat, but of course you don't see it coming, it least not in our case (sometimes there's a history of heart disease).

We did have a good time celebrating Matt's coming of age (51), with young high schoolers in prom clothes all about, as it's that time of year. Looking at all the stretch limos, I came up with the "stretch Smart Car" as a humorous oxymoron.

We could rush Moon to a 24/7 pet hospital and pay for some MRIs. She's not yowling in pain much, is mostly not too distressed, more just frustrated when she tries to move her back legs.

Will we postpone the Red Cross training tomorrow, already once rescheduled? I'm having trouble switching gears. I'm on tap for a memorial service, serving as greeter. Tara's supposed to take the bus. But what about Moon?

Do we have a budget for expensive pet care, or pet insurance? Maybe I'll make some calls. I'm owed, but everybody has those stories. The prognosis looks grim, so why disturb a peaceful kitty with a lot of bright lights and melodrama? A car trip in the middle of the night?

Speaking of melodrama, I continued poking at NCTM on Math Forum today. I've been wrestling with that organization since the 1990s, when I tried to bring up the Bucky stuff with them. I don't think I made many friends in so doing. Math teachers are quite defensive about what they're not teaching.

Rose and Tara watched Slumdog Millionaire again, without the glitches. I need to settle with Hollywood Video, am also still missing a library book (about Pascal's Triangle). My inbox is far from empty these days.

These concerns seem petty I realize. Should I write about deeper problems?

Solving refugee problems would be a good place to start with the college credit courses. You'll get experiences you can't get just staring at a screen, although screen time is part of it.

You'll also need physical coordination, management skills, training with equipment, many kinds of practice.

Civilian service is no less a challenge than military. A lot of the same skills carry over.

Earlier today I joined a Friendly Care team spearheaded by Leslie Hickcox way out on 151st street. I ended up behind a van saying WAR 151 on the license plate and imagined being one of those people who gets in a tizzy about coincidental events. I went so far as to take a picture anyway. We were there to assist in a moving project.

Later I went to Home Depot and got a blind replaced, the one that broke while I was away in Chicago.

Tara wants to skip the babysitting training tomorrow and maybe have a last day with Moon Kitty. We think Red Cross will be understanding and let her postpone, after we missed the April 11 training.

Followups: Tara got her Red Cross babysitting certification, no rush on the Moon scenario, we've agreed to consult with a professional pronto. Great meeting some of you at Ray's memorial service. April 20: vet confirms diagnosis and prognosis (no blood pressure at all in the lower frame), recommends a swift course, which we choose. We'll be getting an urn. Ray loved animals, another part of the sharing. We honor them and miss them when they leave us.