Friday, July 05, 2024

Independence Day 2024

Independence Day, 2024

We (me 'n my dog) left Portland pretty early, like at 5:30 AM, as I was scheduled to pick up Uncle Bill (age 99) and remembered nightmarish traffic on I-5 on Thanksgivings. 

This drive was a breeze, both going and returning the next day. 

Since I arrived in Seattle plenty early, with time to kill, I drove down the steep streets to Pike Street Market and walked Sydney around amidst other tourists. The place was hopping. The waterfront now hosts a Ferris wheel. Is that permanent?

I really enjoyed my time with the relatives, even if Urners are an obscure branch of the Hancock family by now, so it's not like I was recognized by all or vice versa. That's part of the fun of large family gatherings.

Barb's dad was one of my grandmother Esther's brothers, Esther Person being my dad's mom. Barbara has a beautiful family, and modest, well-appointed lakeside home.

I got to overnight with Elise and Les, some of my oldest friends and Sydney's previous caretakers.