:: hanukkah 2009 ::
We enjoyed friendly times, my two daughters and I, with Laurie and Terry and friends. We're planning to skip Xmas this year. Xmas is a commercial holiday and we're not doing much commerce these days.
I gave out Flextegrity pods as gifts, which were a big hit.
On Synergeo I've been ranting about the dictatorship's refusal to allow our ethnicity a place in the sun. Feels like Egypt in some ways. Teaching the math in the tables below is just not part of this culture.
That probably seems like a small thing, but for me, it's something of a show stopper. I at least get to rant about it, file my laments.
Great latkas as usual. Tara will see the doctor tomorrow. I was contacted by the driver who hit her last night. Oversight Committee was supportive. I'm something of a basket case, glad to have friends and life coaches.