Sunday, June 17, 2007

Geeking Out

I'm feeling like quite the lucky lab, in terms of my geek quotient: it's not every year one gets to both EuroPython and OSCON, as a speaker at both venues, including with sponsorships. Sure, DWA still has plenty of expenses (I just nailed the hotel in Vilnius, looks like a good one), but that's all in our spirit of collaboration in this one big happy circus family of ours. Pass the chicken heads please (joke).

These purchases are career moves, investments, also risks.

Earlier today, I was on a trip down memory lane regarding my collaboration with Jerritt, under the auspices of Saturday Academy, and working with HPD. That got me thinking about doing tcp/ip stuff with Python, leading me to scour the web for relevant resources. Then I came up against not having a free C++ compiler, nor Visual Studio at all (I use Visual FoxPro, licensed and everything). That got me lusting for Linux again, Ubuntu in particular (which I'm already using).

So I went all the way this time, perhaps against my better judgment, and got one of these new Dell jobbers, an Inspiron E1505, somewhat customized, for like $768 after discounts and free shipping.

I did get XP to ping in Python though, and it's not like I'm unhappy with my Toshiba all of a sudden. More it's like having two pairs of shoes (but laptops in this case). I'll be able to dress more appropriately for the occasion, plus these costumes contain tools (like batgrrl has these utility baskets or whatever).

Think of Redmond as a style of hat, quite handsome but not always worn.

A new favorite web site: