Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Meaty Math

I wouldn't say this video is freely associative in a rambling, wandering sense, like one of mine. However  I would say it connects a lot of dots nevertheless, especially when it comes to wiring in some CT (Category Theory). 

We have the generic sense of "coordinate system" to play with, i.e. making a hard problem solvable may involve using a different coordinate system, with a path to and from. 

Convert to, solve, convert from. 

However we might also think in terms of "namespaces". 

Translate into, solve, translate out of. 

But then what's lost in translation and do the analogies hold?

A good example from the high school level is the basis for the slide rule: turn a multiplication problem into an addition problem by adding the exponents instead, using lookup tables (in the old days) to go both ways.

Take the logs of the two numbers you want to multiply, add those, and get the anti-log of the sum to find the corresponding product. We sometimes draw that as a rectangle, like in the video.