Friday, May 03, 2013

A Meditation on Existence

A Meditation on Existence 
(inspired by recent threads)

Greek theater, why not start there, gave audiences a more god-like consciousness, just as movies do today, and novels.

As an audience, you're treated to a form of omniscience none of the characters in the drama contemporaneously enjoys.

You see what no one else sees, you see it all. Except in some plots you're left wanting for information. Whodunnits are like that.

Indeed, novels or films in the first person can leave one in the dark in a more realistic manner than the "omniscient eye" of the all-knowing camera (a camera snooping in bedrooms, quite intimate -- what people would say the angels might see (Wings of Desire)).

Where this goes is towards a sense in which god-like greater consciousness exists (starting in Greek theater), as we sometimes experience climbing a few ladder rungs ourselves (like through films) and posit the ladder stretching on before us. Surely there are higher and higher levels of appreciation for this vista, or... or what a waste, I guess? "At least there's higher than I've been" is a common conceit (an expression of humility and respect), suggesting a vector field towards greater pinnacles.

When you point to "god like" as in "point of view" (a director's point of view), then you attract more believers to your Pin Head Church. Even hard-boned atheists might get on their knees here, asking for greater consciousness, a closer connection with God (their own neural net, their spaghetti monster).

In his Tractatus, Wiitgenstein mentions a "top of the ladder" as if we got to the top. In Philosophical Investigations there's less of an end, as the need to invent (and retire) the partially overlapping language games goes on and on. The need to design and implement stuff doesn't just go away in a cloud. Work still needs doing.

But there is that bit about being able to put it [philosophy] down occasionally, to end the obsession, to "get off the tractor" as it were (but then feel free to get back on again).

How do "we" ("I" + "I") exist more than any "God" we believe in? Are you today the same mind as you were as a child, is your body the same?

They say the child is father to the man (though that's sexist) so are you that man already, that woman you wondered if you'd be?

The point is, you're not proved to exist yet either, no offense, evidence mounting you may not, so lets back off "existence" being what we most care about, just in case it's proven that we don't (really exist). We might praise God for His gracious manner of non-existence, a role model for how we might come to handle it, instead of with despair and sorrow.