Jane, formerly a Unitarian, was familiar with the Transylvanian origins of that sect, a near neighbor of our own Friendly universalist blends.
Eugene suggested researching NeoPlatonist Friends, Isaac Pennington and Anne Conway in particular. This helps with my Synergetics thread (a transcendentalist work).
On the dystopian -- utopian spectrum, where do Quakers position themselves I wonder, both individually and corporately? That's a query to keep looking at, as there's a sense of wavering, adjusting, within each scenario.
Authoring dystopian science fiction (like 1984, like Clockwork Orange, like Brazil) doesn't mean you're committed to bad dreams coming true. On the contrary, we may use these dark and twisted fantasies to sort through pressing puzzles of the day i.e. this may be time in the simulator well spent, in many cases.
Jim gave me some pointers over a game of ping pong. He was born in an internment camp run by Japanese, in Baguio, a favorite getaway for my family in later years, when based in Metro Manila (Magallenes Village, Makati).
A few Friends and I enjoyed flipping through the art books I brought along, including The Bobliographon (ISBN 1560259396), and Obey: Supply & Demand, The Art of Shepard Fairey (ISBN 1584232447), some other gems.