I came straight from some AFSC work (May Day planning) and got in a bit late. Skip was already into it, packed house. I had laptop business to manage so ending up way in the back in a comfy chair was optimum. The response was enthusiastic although a lot of braininess makes for some frustration. People move at different rates. Skip left best for last: the actual physical models, which were quite large and interesting to view.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Wanderers 2015.1.13
I came straight from some AFSC work (May Day planning) and got in a bit late. Skip was already into it, packed house. I had laptop business to manage so ending up way in the back in a comfy chair was optimum. The response was enthusiastic although a lot of braininess makes for some frustration. People move at different rates. Skip left best for last: the actual physical models, which were quite large and interesting to view.